
Christmas time is here..

Well, I’m a little slack in the area of blogging it seems!! Everyone else around me has updated so I feel like it’s my turn. Things are going well. The temperature dropped drastically in a matter of 24 hours, like literally from being in the 70’s to the upper 30’s overnight! Needless to say I was not prepared mentally or physically for that one. But don’t worry China has many remedies for my problems. First off hot water is the cure and answer to all of your problems, your cold, drink some, your sick, it will heal you, your hoping to get pregnant (which I’m obviously not), it will help you. Its obviously healthier for your body and your mind because if you drink something cold especially being a woman they all look at you like you’re crazy. Also, I now wear on average three layers of clothing before stepping outside my bedroom door, why you ask? This would be because those wonderful, beautiful windows I have enjoyed so much because of their natural lighting are actually awful for insulating warmth. So when I step outside my bedroom there is a 30-degree sting waiting to greet me. I won’t even get into the fact that my shower is literally walls of windows… yep you can only imagine. If I’ve ever not been motivated to bath before, now its even worse. I almost feel as if I’m camping sometimes, but PTL I at least have some kind of heat in my bedroom and living room. I would have no hopes of surviving without it. South Carolina has thinned my blood and ruined me for the cold weather, so I have been challenging myself to toughen up as my dad would say and dare to wear less layers to try and thicken my skin a little before it gets worse! You don’t realize how much you take advantage of buildings with central heating systems. It’s the “small” things like that I never think about until they suddenly do not exist. Even through this experience I’m learning so much and attempting to rewire my perception of the little things I’ve always taken for granted.

BUT with winter comes December which means Christmas decor and classic holiday tunes to set the mood!

I spent the weekend having all sorts of Christmas fun! Going to the “flea market” and hunting down all sorts of goodies to decorate my silver Christmas tree with(as you can see above, I was successful!). I had my holiday music of choice for the moment being, the new Michael Buble CD and the ever classic Nat King Cole, blazing from my computer helping to get the festive juices flowing! I am still in the process of getting all the decorations I have envisioned in my mind up, which is typically the case, but I’ve enjoyed making my apartment feel more like home. I think the idea of being separated from my family and friends this holiday season is really stating to sink in, and yes sometimes I break down (also not surprising I know) but I am so grateful for my sweet China family and our plans to have a Christmas eve dinner/service/sleepover fun! I feel like I am being opened up to the real meaning behind Christmas more than ever before. His love and His truth during this advent season has been sinking deeper into a new place inside of me. Learning how to sit and recognize the constant He is in my life, no matter where I am, no matter what I’m going through, no matter what life has looked like, He is ever present, the sturdiness that has carried me through. The joy in a child being born, a baby, a king who represents the coming of freedom, of new beginnings, rewriting the mistakes that had left us stained, giving us hope and new life. Coming as a baby, living a sinless life, dying on the cross and defeating the grave, knowing He comes to us today through the comforter and He will come again. To serve and be apart of His incredible plan is a blessing and exciting in real ways. To know right where He has each of us, He is positioning us with opportunities, lessons, and grace to bring Him glory and to represent the Kingdom. I have been reflecting lately a lot more on the weight of what this carries. Understanding that He doesn’t just want out lip service but more than that our life service, out actions, our ability to just do because we can. I have seen the fruit of this more so in my life here because without Him I am short tempered and closed off. I can talk a good game but when it comes down to it without relying on Him I am instantly reminded that I am weak in my own strength, feeling discouraged in classes and my ability to build relationships. But when I am empowered through His word and His spirit, I am overflowing with an understanding and a grace that extends beyond myself and am able to see Him moving, to become more aware that all eyes are on me, I mean this literally. I am a foreigner, an outsider, I look different and its obvious I don’t “belong” and most people in my small town don’t know what to do with themselves when they see me, so they stare. I am constantly on display, especially with my students, who watch my every move. What a wake up call. If I am not centered in Him I can get on my soapbox and end up extremely frustrated by the end of the day, not wanting to love or invest in anyone, not the fruit I would hope to produce. Actions matter, they speak more than our words ever can, my students may not be able to understand my words, but they understand my actions, my body language, my reactions, these things speak loud and clear. This revelation has made me wonder what message am I sending? If someone were to look at my life, my actions, my character, never talking to me what would they see? I would only hope His image would project. But JC was radical, He shifted atmospheres so much that when He walked into the room the darkness had to leave, and He is alive and living in me. I hope to grow more in this truth, trusting and believing that with Him the unimaginable is imaginable, the crazy occurrences become normal and the power of His kingdom becomes fully alive. I can not express the ways I have found hope and joy in who He is. For such a time as this. I am continually amazed by His presence and His power.

I have begun to teach the first part of my Christmas lesson. I am starting with simple Christmas traditions and sharing pictures of past Christmas’ in my home. It is a blessing to share with them the joy of my family and our traditions, along with some of my favorite Christmas Carols. This week I am working on The 12 days of Christmas, okay so, its not my favorite but its hilarious to see them so dramatic. By the time we get through the seventh day I can hear them breathing hard and begging me “Teacher I can not go on, its going to kill me, I can not breath.” But by the time they accomplish all twelve they clap for themselves and they all cheer. I have a feeling I’m never going to want to hear the song again for many years after this but its entertaining right now. My next lesson with them will be to share the Christmas story, the real meaning behind why we celebrate. I am most excited about this, a chance to share my heart and my passion with so many students will be incredible. And of coarse there will be fun activities and little gifts from their wonderful teacher (that would be me). :)

An update on the teacher friend I talked about in the last blog: I have had a chance to get to know her and am learning so much about her life and her heart. I am excited as the relationship builds to share more with her who I am and who He is. She is so open to allowing me to be myself. I’m hoping to start going for walks with her and just getting to know her more. She shared with me this past week about her family and the pressures of being a teacher at our school. Dad used her to speak encouragement into me when I needed it most, sharing that she admired my life, my joy and my ability to be outgoing and to love and care for the people around me. Just sharing with me that she appreciates me in her life. I was so humbled in that moment, and grateful, finding his peace and love in the most unexpected ways. I hope with all my heart someday she will fully understand the life I’ve found in Him. Knowing its not me but who lives in me.

I guess that is all for now! Please be prying for me as I begin to really work hard to learn the language beyond the functional level. I want so passionately to communicate with them but I can be easily discouraged and feel overwhelmed! I promise to attempt to get back on top of my blogging game again. I love you all so much and am prying that you would be blessed beyond measure and growing in His abundant love. Please don’t forget my email is always open!! I love being updated on your lives and also to know specifically what I can be prying for!

I will leave you with some great/fun/laughable/terrifying yet real life China facts:

-The coined phrase for my students who love to be dramatic is “Oh my Lady Gaga”

-There is no concept of personal space so when people stare they are not afraid of being all up in your face with eyes that look like they may pop out. These reactions still make me laugh every time.

-Children go to the bathroom wherever is most convenient, public sinks inside restaurants included.

-Cheese hardly exists here

- -street food/venders is a way of life- what I like to call the “fastest” food in China

- I say “hello” about 150 times on a daily basis

-People are super hospitable and instantly except you as apart of their family

-People really do eat dog L (you can imagine MY horror!!!!)

-He is moving in some AWESOME ways!!

Also a shout out to my boy Kevin (blue arm;)) who had a birthday last week! We celebrated with some sushi and numerous yummy desserts.. this was my first China sushi experience and it was wonderful!


  1. So glad you're where you are and that blessings abound on the other side of the globe. So happy that you have had a chance to connect with Dana and Brad. Merry Christmastime to you and your group of old and new friends.

  2. You are amazing!!!! :) Love and miss you!

  3. Great post!!! Father is so constant and moving a lot in your life and I praise Him so much for it. I'm also glad for the encouragement you received from your teacher friend - they do watch you - they do see a difference in you - all to His glory! I love you so much and couldn't be prouder of you. A little tip, last year we bought a small electric space heater and we would turn it on in the bathroom when we finally decided to take a shower. Haha. It helped a ton. Good luck thickening up your blood and skin and STAY WARM!!! ~Becca
