Walk as a child of the light producing fruit that is good and true. Expose the unfruitful works of darkness, for that which is called to the light becomes visible. “Awake , O sleeper and arise from the dead..” Walk with wisdom making the best of your time. Do not be foolish. Understand His will. Be filled with the spirit. Sing and make melody with all your heart. –Ephe. 5
As I was reading this morning I was hit with these words. Overcome by the truth and power they carry. I have officially been in China for a month and honestly it feels like its been much longer. Not in a bad way by any means, just in a busy trying to find a routine and learn how to live in a new place kind of way. There are still days when I have to remind myself that I am actually here and give myself grace while adjusting to the culture.
Last week as many of you know I was pretty sick. I was a walking mess, with a temperature and some type of germ traveling all throughout my body. BUT now I am feeling much better. I spent most of last week in bed, reading, watching Grey’s Anatomy, sleeping, and pumping Vitamin C. I was able to get back to classes on Thursday and Friday then headed to Wuhan with the rest of my Huangshi team to meet up with everyone from Zong Relations. It was so good to spend time getting to know everyone. We were together all day Saturday sharing our personal journeys to China and how we got to where we are today. It was super powerful and encouraging to see who He is in each person individually. We ate some amazing snack food from America, enjoyed Papa Johns Pizza for dinner and I had a blizzard from DQ for dessert. It was awesome to eat some “normal” food. J Sunday we went to foreign fellowship, which was great. To worship and come together with a body of brothers and sisters felt unreal. (There are more foreigners in Wuhan that meet every Sunday) It is incredible how much you can take for granted the things you’ve always had. After fellowship we went to eat at Aloha Diner, which is a restaurant owned by foreigners and the food is amazing! Needless to say I left way full and completely filled.
Teaching is going well. It is a learning experience to say the least. Classroom management takes on a whole new meaning when you have 60 students who can hardly understand you, all talking at once. There are times when I literally will just laugh because there is nothing else I can do. I am learning how to speak to them and gesture so that they understand (not that I didn’t before, but its way over the top now). I am also learning how to have fun and enjoy what I’m doing, thinking of lessons and ways to get them to become more confident with the language. Some classes feel impossible and 40 minutes seems more like 2 hours and others go really well. Its always an adventure to see which classes will be in what category each day. But seeing their faces and being able to encourage them and love them has taken on a new meaning for me. They truly are precious, and they work so hard for their age. Most of them in school 6 days a week if not 7 sometimes until 8 o’clock at night. Yet for the most part they still are excited to see me and have a desire to learn. I of coarse have a soft spot for some of my more challenging (outgoing) students who like attention and have fun getting them on my side.
Being here I am learning that I sometimes can create a need to be constantly distracted. Finding something to do or somewhere to go or something to fix. Not to mention my sleeping has been off this week from being sick and am now trying to get back to normal. I finally sat down with Dad this morning and realized how little I take time just to listen. I am living by myself for the first time ever, throw that in with the combination of it being in a new place where I don’t know anyone or speak the language and its bound to bring out weaknesses. I am learning so much about who He is in my shortcomings. I have always been a survivor, someone who makes up her mind to commit and fights to see it through. China became that for me last week. Mentally I clicked into survival mode. Between being sick, missing home and dealing with the pain that was surfacing inside I shut down my emotion and told myself I would survive. I would do what it took just to get through until I was okay again. Recently I was hit with the reality of how dangerous that can be. I am a fighter and easily China could become just another adventure to mark down, something that looks great on an application, so that I can say “been there done that”. I realized this when I opened the book I am reading called The Journey of Desire by John Eldredge. Its an incredible book which explains the importance of desire, and passion in our pursuit of the kingdom. I realized that if I continue to do what I’ve always done and “survive” I’m not really living. I am just doing what it takes to protect myself and get by. That’s when I recognized that I don’t want to just survive I want to live. If that means it hurts and its hard at times that’s not up to me but at least I’m living. Excepting that I am weak and not strong enough to really live on my own past trying to “survive”. I want to engage Him with an honest passion, actively pursuing who He is. To awaken the parts of my heart that are asleep, the areas of creativity and desires I have pushed away for so long too afraid to take ownership. I want a passion that’s owned not borrowed, one that drives toward a pursuit of divine beauty. I don’t believe this is just for me. So often many of us become apathetic in what we do and how we live because to be passionate means to take risk and to commit not only your time but your heart into something that could hurt. But as John wirtes “ Nothing is more important than the life of our deep heart. To lose heart is to lose everything.” I pry that this is something that would continue to stir in my heart and in my life. I pry that wherever you are, in whatever you are doing that you would be passionately chasing the dreams and desires He has set before you. That we as a body could be authentic, just the way He made us, to know and understand that He came to die, to set us free so that we may live and abide in His fullness, to understand the story of redemption and to awaken the dead places in our hearts. To choose to live and really be alive.
Please be prying for “William” my wiaban and his family. His wife’s cousin died last Friday and it has been really hard for them. They were very close and his wife is struggling the most. I had a chance to speak with him today and I am amazed at how even though he is “crazy” William and can sometimes be a little much, my heart is softening towards him. He truly has seen me as a daughter and even through what he’s experiencing now he still takes the time to care and check up on me.
It was super sunny today(so rare and SUPER exciting!) so I had a chance to take some great pics while I was walking the lake. I will post them soon!! :)
I am having my internet looked at this week and will update again when I can! I am prying that you would be overflowing with His love and His freedom. I know I say this every time but SERIOUS you have no clue how much your emails and messages mean! Miss you and love you all.